Tuesday 28 May 2013


For most brides and grooms, deciding what to wéar on the Big Day is oneof the most important parts of wedding planning. But one New Zealand couple didn't have to shop
for wedding outfits — because they got married in the Unclád. Nick and Wendy Lowe were married at
the Wellington Naturist Club on Saturday in a "clóthing óptional" wedding, reported local newspaper The Dominion Post. About half of the 120 guests were Unclád. Both clothéd and Unclád photos were taken, and though guests were asked to dréss for dinner, the dancing portion of the
event was clóthing optiónal. Nick encouraged Wendy to embrace the "natúrism," or núdist, lifestyle six years ago.
"It was one of the first things he said to me: 'I'm a natúrist, how do you feel about it?' I knew at some point I'd have to at least try it," Wendy said. Check out more photos from the Lowes' Unclád wedding .

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